Day 179 of ANNIE B.'s D.I.Y. MAGAZINE (Post #13)
This past weekend was great - Saturday U.A. played Russ' backyard party "Katzenjammer" (Russ plays guitar for Unnatural Act) and then Zoo Ala Carte on Sunday and it was great to hang out with Melissa's (best friend from college) family for the rest of Sunday afternoon! Was supposed to meet with Steve Daubs Sunday night to get a full update about his trip to the Ukraine and also talk about the Oct 9th Artbeat, but I was way too tired after my full day Sunday.
Scott Berendt is hooking me up with a song on the Buck's local artist CD compliation featuring songs from bands who play in the Atrium at the Bradley Center before Bucks games. I played there last January with my acoustic cover trio and Scott is supposed to hook me up with another gig like that this year. I dropped off my CD to Scott yesterday morning so I hope to hear from him later this week.
Anthony just talked to a bass player for the new project. Anthony and I met today to work on songs at his house and things are moving along with that project. Kind of in a new direction? I did e-mail another bassist from Craigslist this morning, too. We're trying to get into the studio to record a 4-song demo, but now we are not sure what songs to include on the demo. Changes in direction are making for some frustration but we ARE moving forward.
Also today I dropped off some promo materials for myself (solo/duo/trio) and for Unnatural Act for Johnny B. to get some bookings for us, perhaps at Rookies in Oconomowoc. We might have a few sweet & well-paying gigs in Sept. if he can pull it off. I need to check in with him tomorrow to find out more details on these gigs... he's supposed to meet with these folks tomorrow.
This morning I emptied out a big box. Believe it or not, I still have unpacked boxes here (I moved in a year ago), but that's because some of the boxes contain kitchen stuff & other stuff which I do not need to unpack here. Unpacking is still happening also due to the organization I desire. I can't seem to unpack everything at once, it gets too disorganized. But since I cleaned the hell outta this place last week, it feels sooooooooo much nicer, there is more room, and the energy is better. I hope to unpack & organize one box every morning until I am done. I think I can do that and be done in a week or two. Wouldn't that be fabulous?
Also last night, I visited my Pop. He and I played Connect Four. He liked that game.
Tomorrow night is orientation for JustFaith, through Three Holy Women Church. I am really looking forward to that project, and I hope I don't have time conflicts with it.
Well, have a great night and I'll see you again soon!!!!!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
Day 175
Day 175 of ANNIE B.'s D.I.Y. MAGAZINE (Post #12)
Today was a bad day 'cuz my boyfriend and I broke up. Lots of energy drained today, and I am sad.
That's one thing you need to know about moving your career forward. Do not stay in unhealthy relationships or unhealthy friendships. They DRAIN you, and Lord knows, indie artists need LOTS of energy in order to compete in this crazy business. Not that this relationship was particularly unhealthy, but it was unhealthy for a lot of last year. This year, it was really quite healthy, but it just didn't work out after all. It was ultimately about those deal-breakers, you know. Like, some people don't want their boyfriend or their girlfriend to maintain close friendships with the ex or ex's. Yep, that's a deal-breaker for me. I don't think there's anything anyone can say to convince me that it's perfectly fine & healthy if your boyfriend's best friend is also his ex.
Anyhoo, so I also ended up with a nasty allergy attack today, so not much was done today at all. I did get a phone number for a recording engineer that comes highly recommended by my friend Brian Douglas who works at Cream City Music. Brian also plays in a band called The Black Saints. I hope to see them soon!!!!!
Also just got another possible tips gig for Austin... it showed up in my MySpace in-box about an hour ago! It's pretty awesome how the energy starts flowing back to you: Putting out positive energy => more positive energy right back atcha'. Putting out negative energy => more negative energy right back atcha'! I am trying to keep the positive energy flowing and flowing with a nice, strong current. Breaking up with the boy who wants to remain best friends with his ex is probably a good move in that direction.
So, I need to get some rest. I also screwed up my back yesterday moving my P.A. head before doing my morning stretches. Gotta be more careful!
Have a beautiful night!
Today was a bad day 'cuz my boyfriend and I broke up. Lots of energy drained today, and I am sad.
That's one thing you need to know about moving your career forward. Do not stay in unhealthy relationships or unhealthy friendships. They DRAIN you, and Lord knows, indie artists need LOTS of energy in order to compete in this crazy business. Not that this relationship was particularly unhealthy, but it was unhealthy for a lot of last year. This year, it was really quite healthy, but it just didn't work out after all. It was ultimately about those deal-breakers, you know. Like, some people don't want their boyfriend or their girlfriend to maintain close friendships with the ex or ex's. Yep, that's a deal-breaker for me. I don't think there's anything anyone can say to convince me that it's perfectly fine & healthy if your boyfriend's best friend is also his ex.
Anyhoo, so I also ended up with a nasty allergy attack today, so not much was done today at all. I did get a phone number for a recording engineer that comes highly recommended by my friend Brian Douglas who works at Cream City Music. Brian also plays in a band called The Black Saints. I hope to see them soon!!!!!
Also just got another possible tips gig for Austin... it showed up in my MySpace in-box about an hour ago! It's pretty awesome how the energy starts flowing back to you: Putting out positive energy => more positive energy right back atcha'. Putting out negative energy => more negative energy right back atcha'! I am trying to keep the positive energy flowing and flowing with a nice, strong current. Breaking up with the boy who wants to remain best friends with his ex is probably a good move in that direction.
So, I need to get some rest. I also screwed up my back yesterday moving my P.A. head before doing my morning stretches. Gotta be more careful!
Have a beautiful night!
Black Saints,
Brian Douglas,
Cream City Music,
Do It Yourself,
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Day 165
Day 165 of ANNIE B.'s D.I.Y. MAGAZINE (Post #11)
What's going on? I am blogging every day now! Oh, my, there must be some mistake!!!
No, no, my friend, there is not. I am actually keeping FOCUSED... remember, I was having BIG trouble with that not long ago! Just read yesterday's blog and I honestly have to admit I am surprised how well I am keeping focused!
Got the Artbeat THANK YOU's out, got the Des Moines e-mail list updated, in communications with booking for MOTOR, and sent an e-mail to the guys about rehearsing for the 21st at the Coach House. Sent the CD to Jesse for the cover artwork, and Theo is, AS I WRITE, building that database of the Midwest venues. Good thing Ralph and I are not working together since he would not be happy doing the work that Theo is doing to get us BOOKED... building that database, sending out e-mails, follow-ups, etc. Is it really the job of an intern to do that sort of stuff WHEN YOU HAVE NO INTERNS???
We've already got venues from IL, IA, WI, & MN asking about rates & avails. Not bad, "Intern-Boy"!!! And what I like about the online database we are using to build our own is that there is ALOT of information on each record for each venue. Capacity, genres, lots of contact into including MySpace links, percentage of cover bands vs. original bands booked, it's AMAZING!
Next BIG project: Working on cleaning out my e-mail in-box. Turns out that the girl who books bands & artists for MOTOR already contacted me earlier this summer and I never got back to her! Can you imagine that? Her e-mail got LOST in my in-box! NOT GOOD!!! Boy, does that make me look like a disorganized flake, or what??? So, I am doing my best to get rid of 200-300 e-mails out of my in-box every night. (No, Honey, you really don't want to know how many are in there right now.) I hope I can do it. It will still take me a long time to clean out my in-box, but I now know the secret: FOCUS, FOCUS, FOCUS!!!
Also started submitting for more Sonicbids opportunities. I guess since we got the GAP one, I should keep the good energy flowing!
Gosh, it seems like a lot got done today. It really does help - this blogging thing. You should try it!
Peace, Love, & Light!!!
What's going on? I am blogging every day now! Oh, my, there must be some mistake!!!
No, no, my friend, there is not. I am actually keeping FOCUSED... remember, I was having BIG trouble with that not long ago! Just read yesterday's blog and I honestly have to admit I am surprised how well I am keeping focused!
Got the Artbeat THANK YOU's out, got the Des Moines e-mail list updated, in communications with booking for MOTOR, and sent an e-mail to the guys about rehearsing for the 21st at the Coach House. Sent the CD to Jesse for the cover artwork, and Theo is, AS I WRITE, building that database of the Midwest venues. Good thing Ralph and I are not working together since he would not be happy doing the work that Theo is doing to get us BOOKED... building that database, sending out e-mails, follow-ups, etc. Is it really the job of an intern to do that sort of stuff WHEN YOU HAVE NO INTERNS???
We've already got venues from IL, IA, WI, & MN asking about rates & avails. Not bad, "Intern-Boy"!!! And what I like about the online database we are using to build our own is that there is ALOT of information on each record for each venue. Capacity, genres, lots of contact into including MySpace links, percentage of cover bands vs. original bands booked, it's AMAZING!
Next BIG project: Working on cleaning out my e-mail in-box. Turns out that the girl who books bands & artists for MOTOR already contacted me earlier this summer and I never got back to her! Can you imagine that? Her e-mail got LOST in my in-box! NOT GOOD!!! Boy, does that make me look like a disorganized flake, or what??? So, I am doing my best to get rid of 200-300 e-mails out of my in-box every night. (No, Honey, you really don't want to know how many are in there right now.) I hope I can do it. It will still take me a long time to clean out my in-box, but I now know the secret: FOCUS, FOCUS, FOCUS!!!
Also started submitting for more Sonicbids opportunities. I guess since we got the GAP one, I should keep the good energy flowing!
Gosh, it seems like a lot got done today. It really does help - this blogging thing. You should try it!
Peace, Love, & Light!!!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Day 164
Day 164 of ANNIE B.'s D.I.Y. MAGAZINE (Post #10)
Hello, Hello! Working today on getting all those long-overdue THANKS YOU's out to all the Artbeaters! Also need to send out that e-mail to all the new Des Moines fans from our show last Friday. Did sell a few CDs but I will be happy if we get paid better next time since we did not even get paid expenses (and that was actually part of the deal). But we did really have a GREAT time on the drive out - lots of laughing and bonding. The three of us work well together in the rehearsal studio, and now that I know we can get along fine on a 6-hour small-car drive, that's really a good sign. The show was great, not a HUGE crowd, but a decent crowd... again, sold some CDs, collected some e-mail addresses... moving forward in Des Moines!
Anyhoo, got an e-mail from Kandall Polster (welder artist from the last Artbeat) who is helping me get a show at the Harley Museum restaurant, Motor. Also got hooked up with a gig at Momo's in Austin through a contact there - John Doughty. Scott Berendt also hooked up a gig at the Coach House since he double-booked himself. (Oops!) But it feels REALLY good to be getting offers and calls now instead of always having to solicit the gigs, make the cold calls, etc etc etc. I guess hard work really DOES pay off!!!
New this week: my artwork for The Kiwi Cafe being done by Jesse Engelbrecht (gallery artist from the April Artbeat). His sketchwork would be PERFECT for the Kiwi Cafe album cover, so we are to talk about it tonight over the phone. (TOTALLY excited about putting out the album the way it should be, instead of burning copies for my shows every time!)
Also, I am no longer working with Ralph from Active Artist Management. I guess that's no surprise, since we have been butting heads since almost Day One. He is a good guy, but I know that we do not belong working together.
Thank goodness the dry songwriting spell over the last 3 years or so seems to be FINALLY OVER! Those 3 new songs we started working on at rehearsals are definitely worthy additions to the set!
Theo started e-mailing venues all over the Midwest last week so the band can start building a regional following. So far, we have been getting a pretty good response, but there is a great need to build an online database that we can use to communicate all activities, and find people's e-mail addresses quickly, since I notice that most responses do not indicate the venue/town they are representing. ANOTHER project!!!
I ALSO need to start working on contacting publishing companies for "What Do You Do"... since that song just does not seem to fit in with what we are doing right now. When I am going to find time doing that, I am not sure... but I hope to fit in in somewhere soon!!!!!! Anyone who is interested in interning for a record label based out of Milwaukee, please give a shout: I know a LOT about the music business and I know how to make things happen, but with everything we've got going on, it can't all be done by just a few people! We need interns!
Have a beautiful day and NEVER GIVE UP ON YOUR DREAMS!!!!
Hello, Hello! Working today on getting all those long-overdue THANKS YOU's out to all the Artbeaters! Also need to send out that e-mail to all the new Des Moines fans from our show last Friday. Did sell a few CDs but I will be happy if we get paid better next time since we did not even get paid expenses (and that was actually part of the deal). But we did really have a GREAT time on the drive out - lots of laughing and bonding. The three of us work well together in the rehearsal studio, and now that I know we can get along fine on a 6-hour small-car drive, that's really a good sign. The show was great, not a HUGE crowd, but a decent crowd... again, sold some CDs, collected some e-mail addresses... moving forward in Des Moines!
Anyhoo, got an e-mail from Kandall Polster (welder artist from the last Artbeat) who is helping me get a show at the Harley Museum restaurant, Motor. Also got hooked up with a gig at Momo's in Austin through a contact there - John Doughty. Scott Berendt also hooked up a gig at the Coach House since he double-booked himself. (Oops!) But it feels REALLY good to be getting offers and calls now instead of always having to solicit the gigs, make the cold calls, etc etc etc. I guess hard work really DOES pay off!!!
New this week: my artwork for The Kiwi Cafe being done by Jesse Engelbrecht (gallery artist from the April Artbeat). His sketchwork would be PERFECT for the Kiwi Cafe album cover, so we are to talk about it tonight over the phone. (TOTALLY excited about putting out the album the way it should be, instead of burning copies for my shows every time!)
Also, I am no longer working with Ralph from Active Artist Management. I guess that's no surprise, since we have been butting heads since almost Day One. He is a good guy, but I know that we do not belong working together.
Thank goodness the dry songwriting spell over the last 3 years or so seems to be FINALLY OVER! Those 3 new songs we started working on at rehearsals are definitely worthy additions to the set!
Theo started e-mailing venues all over the Midwest last week so the band can start building a regional following. So far, we have been getting a pretty good response, but there is a great need to build an online database that we can use to communicate all activities, and find people's e-mail addresses quickly, since I notice that most responses do not indicate the venue/town they are representing. ANOTHER project!!!
I ALSO need to start working on contacting publishing companies for "What Do You Do"... since that song just does not seem to fit in with what we are doing right now. When I am going to find time doing that, I am not sure... but I hope to fit in in somewhere soon!!!!!! Anyone who is interested in interning for a record label based out of Milwaukee, please give a shout: I know a LOT about the music business and I know how to make things happen, but with everything we've got going on, it can't all be done by just a few people! We need interns!
Have a beautiful day and NEVER GIVE UP ON YOUR DREAMS!!!!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Day 160
Day 160 of ANNIE B.'s D.I.Y. MAGAZINE (Post #9)
Today we had a VERY productive rehearsal, and yes, we will be ready to rock the House of Bricks tomorrow night in Des Moines. 9 songs, 3 of which are VERY new (I have to memorize the lyrics for 2 of them tonight!!!!!) and the trip will be LOADS of fun! Mapquest says the trip is 6 hours and 4 minutes but with it now being "construction season"...
I still have to burn a bunch of CDs so I have product to sell tomorrow night, too...
So, I will meet Theo in maybe an hour at our rehearsal space to run through these songs one more time with him... he needs one more run-through.
FINALLY got the CDs mailed for our GAP performance for "Born To Play" on Aug. 20th, and e-mailed the posters. That GAP manager Joey Deitz is a swell guy, very helpful and totally excited about having us!
I better get back to work, just wanted to say HI!
Today we had a VERY productive rehearsal, and yes, we will be ready to rock the House of Bricks tomorrow night in Des Moines. 9 songs, 3 of which are VERY new (I have to memorize the lyrics for 2 of them tonight!!!!!) and the trip will be LOADS of fun! Mapquest says the trip is 6 hours and 4 minutes but with it now being "construction season"...
I still have to burn a bunch of CDs so I have product to sell tomorrow night, too...
So, I will meet Theo in maybe an hour at our rehearsal space to run through these songs one more time with him... he needs one more run-through.
FINALLY got the CDs mailed for our GAP performance for "Born To Play" on Aug. 20th, and e-mailed the posters. That GAP manager Joey Deitz is a swell guy, very helpful and totally excited about having us!
I better get back to work, just wanted to say HI!
Born To Play,
Des Moines,
House of Bricks,
Joe Deitz,
Lincolnwood Mall,
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Day 159
Day 159 of ANNIE B.'s D.I.Y. MAGAZINE (Post #8)
The weekend was crazy and fun and Artbeat was a huge success! Honestly, I am not sure if I broke even or if I barely made enough to donate to Express Yourself Milwaukee, but I will be making a donation this week and getting that good energy out there! Thanks to all the Artbeaters for coming out and making Friday night fabulous!!! I also had a great show Thursday night with Scott Berendt at the Coach House, and we will defintley be booking more shows together - he's a very talented guy and lots of fun to work with!
This weekend we have another show at the House of Bricks in Des Moines - it will be with the acoustic trio since we are currently looking for a bass player but there is a kid coming in to check out the band tomorrow - Yay! Anthony and Theo and I have been working really hard this week on this show and it's really turning out to be pretty amazing. 3 new songs for this show and lots of great energy! 9 songs total so we are well on our way to that new album!
Theo has now taken over the job of booking and A&R for remedial children records. He's doing a great job so far and it's working out well since he loves to hang out online a lot (we are using an online database: - an AMAZING resource!!! I started with this resource when I first started out on the road in 2006 and it easily paid for itself with one gig booked.) Way to go, Theo - you rule!!! Contacting venues in WI, IL, IA, MN, IN, ND, SD, MI, MO, KY and OH! Wow. No, WOW. Wowza.
Already gearing up for the next Artbeat - got a new gallery artist lined up - met this artist at the Artbeat after-party. Met some folks who really liked Artbeat and want to help promote the next show via their contact lists & other lists they know of. Networking and viral marketing, networking and viral marketing, networking and viral marketing, networking and viral marketing!!!!!!!
Hope all is well for you. Keep the faith, good energy and love flowing from your heart!!!!!!!
The weekend was crazy and fun and Artbeat was a huge success! Honestly, I am not sure if I broke even or if I barely made enough to donate to Express Yourself Milwaukee, but I will be making a donation this week and getting that good energy out there! Thanks to all the Artbeaters for coming out and making Friday night fabulous!!! I also had a great show Thursday night with Scott Berendt at the Coach House, and we will defintley be booking more shows together - he's a very talented guy and lots of fun to work with!
This weekend we have another show at the House of Bricks in Des Moines - it will be with the acoustic trio since we are currently looking for a bass player but there is a kid coming in to check out the band tomorrow - Yay! Anthony and Theo and I have been working really hard this week on this show and it's really turning out to be pretty amazing. 3 new songs for this show and lots of great energy! 9 songs total so we are well on our way to that new album!
Theo has now taken over the job of booking and A&R for remedial children records. He's doing a great job so far and it's working out well since he loves to hang out online a lot (we are using an online database: - an AMAZING resource!!! I started with this resource when I first started out on the road in 2006 and it easily paid for itself with one gig booked.) Way to go, Theo - you rule!!! Contacting venues in WI, IL, IA, MN, IN, ND, SD, MI, MO, KY and OH! Wow. No, WOW. Wowza.
Already gearing up for the next Artbeat - got a new gallery artist lined up - met this artist at the Artbeat after-party. Met some folks who really liked Artbeat and want to help promote the next show via their contact lists & other lists they know of. Networking and viral marketing, networking and viral marketing, networking and viral marketing, networking and viral marketing!!!!!!!
Hope all is well for you. Keep the faith, good energy and love flowing from your heart!!!!!!!
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