Thursday, July 15, 2010

Day 507

Post #25 of ANNIE B.'s D.I.Y. MAGAZINE: "A Day in the Life"
"I promise to post blogs here, sharing some daily activities & the work I do to achieve my career goals, and when I do win that Grammy, YOU can say you followed me all the way! I also hope to give inspiration, information, & advice to indie artists, and I hope you take a little something away with you when you read my posts, whether or not you are yourself an artist!"

If you ever have ANYTHING you'd like to respond to in my blog, PLEASE find me at

So far it has been a good day. I am way, way behind on all things Artbeat, but I am moving forward nonetheless. Just confirmed the face-painter, Indie LaLonde, and the boys from D.C. Monroe are donating face-painting supplies. Working on having Artbeat in the Heat posted on the Volunteer Center of Milwaukee's website so we can hopefully recruit some good folks. You can have a free 6-month trial on thier site if you are a certified non-profit (I am still working on the LONG application for Artbeat)! The YWCA is the 501(c)3 we are working with, so I just left a message for Jeanette at the Y to see if she can create the event page there to start recruiting volunteers. She & the Y have been pretty amazing to work with!!!

Still recruiting artists/artisans who might like to have an Artbeat in the Heat booth as well.

Last week, Sarah Horvat invited me to the Spreenkler meeting and I got a chance to meet Steve Glynn (head honcho of Spreenkler) who also happens to be involved with Danny Gokey's foundation Sophia's Heart. I'd LOVE to have the youth choir who performed with Danny at Summerfest also perform at Artbeat in the Heat. I left him a message yesterday... wish me luck! Also at the Spreenkler meeting, I met Sarah Patterson at True Skool. True Skool works with kids who enjoy the hip-hop culture, and they provide creative & productive ways for these kids to perform & create art, such as breakdancing, graffiti art, music, and other cool stuff! Hoping to get some of the True Skool kids in Artbeat in the Heat as well! Then I also met LaDonna Leazer with B.E.A.M. (Business and Economics Academy of Milwaukee). They work with kids to create art and I think we'll be able to have a booth that will feature some of their work (ceramics & photography). They graced me with a beautiful gift... a ceramic bowl made by one of the students! Photo on Facebook to be posted later today!!!!!!!!

Lots more to accomplish today, but I gotta run... I have a 2pm with Chris from Sooper Dooper to pick up my CDs for my CD Release & Website Launch at the Elbo Room tomorrow night!!!!!!!!!

Oh, and also I have to day, Heather Acton is doing an AMAZING job with all my websites!!!!!!!
