Friday, May 28, 2010

Day 459

Post #24 of ANNIE B.'s D.I.Y. MAGAZINE: The Importance of COMMUNITY
"I promise to post blogs here, sharing some daily activities & the work I do to achieve my career goals, and when I do win that Grammy, YOU can say you followed me all the way! I also hope to give inspiration, information, & advice to indie artists, and I hope you take a little something away with you when you read my posts, whether or not you are yourself an artist!"

If you ever have ANYTHING you'd like to respond to in my blog, PLEASE find me at

Today I am so excited - getting a lot accomplished!! Got a drum kit secured for Artbeat In The Heat, secured the Jeanna Salzer Band for the show & the compilation CD, and got some leads on a sound guy. Also, will be checking out a band called I'm Not A Pilot tonight at Linneman's, then it's a going-away party for a friend & loyal Annie B. fan who is moving to China!! Looking forward to a fun-filled night, although I will certainly miss my friend Alon!

Just got off the phone with the Sunset Playhouse, they sound like a fantastic venue for my CD release party, with seating from 80-150 in their studio theater. And they also have a kitchen (but don't serve/sell their own food)... we'd be able to bring in appetizers. It should be lots of fun. Will be checking out more venues soon.

As I was talking with J. Christopher Hughes at the studio yesterday, the point came up about how an artist he used to work with (a hip-hop guy) was able to sell 1000 CDs from "the back of his car" in just a few months. We were talking about how many of the artists who make the most money are actually not very well-known, but underground artists, who are working on creating their own success, NOT relying on labels. Then he also brought up the jam bands, and how they are also very successful on their own, with no label support. This got me to thinking, what's different about the hip-hop world and the jam bands that they have sort of a built-in means to success? What they have is something that some other music communities don't have (except the punk scene, for sure): A real sense of community that seems to go hand-in-hand with that genre. These people hang out with each other and become friends with their fans. It's certainly got to be a huge factor in how successful they are. So it's now got me thinking... I've got this new idea on an artist/fan collective, where there are events that really involve the fans, and it becomes more of a community, and it's also artists who agree to promote each other. They try to play shows together, and they share their mailing lists with the whole group. I would have to put some thought into this, but I want to start up a little group of bands who are like-minded who want to be a part of something like this, and track the success of each band involved. It would be a little experiment, and if it works, how cool would that be?

Wanted to work on the poster today too... those need to go up this weekend but Kevan at Clark Graphics is not back in until Monday.

Tomorrow is Lisa's Lakefront Splash - looking very forward to that! I hope it's not too windy!!!!!!! The wind was not good to me when I played outside at Starbuck's two weeks ago!!!

I have to be up early to take my Mom to the clinic... she needs some antibiotics, and that's at 8am tomorrow morning!!!

Just got off the phone with the Sunset Playhouse, they sound like a fantastic venue for my CD release party, with seating from 80-150 in their studio theater. And they also have a kitchen (but don't serve/sell their own food)... we'd be able to bring in appetizers. It should be lots of fun. Will be checking out more venues soon.

Hope you have a spectacular Memorial Day Weekend!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Day 454

Post #23 of ANNIE B.'s D.I.Y. MAGAZINE
"I promise to post blogs here, sharing some daily activities & the work I do to achieve my career goals, and when I do win that Grammy, YOU can say you followed me all the way! I also hope to give inspiration, information, & advice to indie artists, and I hope you take a little something away with you when you read my posts, whether or not you are yourself an artist!"

If you ever have ANYTHING you'd like to respond to in my blog, PLEASE find me at

Well, these last few weeks have been interesting! For my Linneman's show on May 14th, I was hoping to get more friends out, but I was very happy that morning when VIC THOMAS (yes, Vic Thomas from Summerfest) actually called me, letting me know he's heard good things about me & he'd try to make it out to Linneman's to see me! I was surprised to get a call from him, but I also found out that some friends of mine are friends with him, and they had some very nice things to say to Vic about me the Thursday night before my show. Thanks, guys!!!! It turns out I did not see Vic at my show, but that does not mean he did not make it out (it's a very dark venue inside)!

Anyhoo, my schedule has changed... I am now looking to have my website launch party in July at the Elbo Room, and a CD Release party in Sept., maybe. I am scheduled to get back into the studio to work on the bass track for The Kiwi Cafe (title track) this Thursday. We started tracking bass about 10 days ago, and will hopefully finish editing on Thursday.

In another area of my life, I visited my Dad today (he has Alzheimer's) and he is not doing the greatest. I can tell he has lost weight but he can still converse with me. I hope to visit him a few times a week these days, rather than once a week or so. I have a picture of him on my dresser from when he was in high school... he was quite the handsome guy. And no, I'm not just saying that because he's my Pop.

Life is short, that's for sure. I know my Pop always wanted to be a famous actor. When I lived in Hollywood, he used to tell me about his trip to Hollywood when he was down there in So Cali (probably training in boot camp)... he went to the Brown Derby and the owner there said my Pop should go back to the Derby after the war to become a famous actor. My Pop used to tell me all the time, "Go find that guy at the Brown Derby (which is how just "The Derby") and tell him you're my daughter.... he'll remember me!" I guess I have always been a lot like my Pop... a person with some big dreams! Although I also think my Pop should have been a drummer... When I was a little girl, my family used to all eat dinner together at the dining room table at least once a week, & he used to do paradiddles at the kitchen table with his utensils... topped off with a couple of tasty drum fills on his milk glass and dinner plate. That's my Pop.... generally a happy guy, often in a sing-songy mood, but with a little Archie Bunker mixed in for good measure.

This should be a busy week. Last week, Sig (from the Hide House) and I met with Alderman Zielinski to get his blessing for ARTBEAT IN THE HEAT happening on July 31st in the Hide House parking lot! Need to get to the Licensing Division this week and talk to the guy about all the permits we'll need. Artbeat Board Meeting tomorrow night, and I need to rehearse with Eroc & meet with Heather Acton (website developer) on Tuesday if possible. Wed. is a day I can hopefully get caught up on e-mail & FB (over 100 friend requests that I am trying to answer, sorry I have been sooooooooo behind)!! Wed. night is our last JustFaith meeting, Thursday is my first "Afterwaterfest" gig in Oshkosh, and then we're already into Memorial Day weekend! The following weekend is the big Unnatural Act: Milwaukee debut at RipTide!!! Totally excited about that! We have to really spread the word - Lisa's List is helping get the word out on that one!!! Thanks, Lisa!!!

Hope you have a fabulous week. Peace & Harmony,
Annie B.